Clients Having Issues with Selecting Appointments - Browser Support?

Hey All..

Is anyone else hearing issues around "there appears to be no available dates" when people self-book appointments?  I have checked the ShootQ calendar and there is plenty of availability on both of our calendars that we use.  When I send myself the invite/template, the link to select an appointment works fine, dates are available, etc.

We've been on ShootQ for many years, and we have not heard any issues and booked successfully pretty much all of 2014, but in the last month or so we have heard three independent reports of "the calendar being blocked." I have some serious concerns we may be losing prospects because the calendar just doesn't work right for them.

It could be just people are getting dumber :), but I think it may have more to do with supported browsers. Can ShootQ post what versions are NOT compatible with the calendar selector control?  I know not every browser supports JavaScript the same way, so I'm guessing we may be seeing older browsers hitting the pages, but since ShootQ owns the web servers, no way to tell.



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