I am not a photographer, so I use the "event date" as the date by which the client's project (wedding stationery) will be done. Often, a when I client is booking, they change the event date under the details, and if I don't catch it, my workflow tasks won't pop up in time. Is there a way to not allow the date to be changed by the client?
1 comment
Chad > Hi Kelly,
Unfortunately, you cannot prevent the client from changing shoot details during the booking process (although I will submit this as a feature request to our developers). As a workaround you could add the Event Date as a variable to your contract so that you can easily review it prior to signing the contract. If there is an issue, you could decline the booking and contact your client.
After the shoot is booked, by default, the shoot details are not editable by the client in the Client Area (although you can enable this if you want; please see this article for more info - http://help.shootq.com/entries/56020460-Allowing-Clients-the-Ability-to-Update-Shoot-Details).
Geoffrey Dunn
Team ShootQ
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