Does anyone have experience with the SquareUp, the credit card processing app on your mobile device? Its equivalent to paypal fees and the connivence of charging anywhere on the go is great, I love it because there is no monthly fee. Now if only we could link that to shootQ's system. Anyone have experience with this system?
Jenna Kain > I just got it a few weeks ago. I have already received the swiper in the mail. It came in a matter of days. I am currently in the process of getting my weekly deposit amount increased as $1000 is not enough. That is the only issue I have found so far. I really like the ease of it, and the rates are comparable. I have entered in a few credit cards manually and everything worked great. The money was deposited very quickly. That would be great it ShootQ and Square could be synced.
Ty Miller > I agree and love my Square reader. Just got back from shooting a session on location and processed client's credit card before leaving. Much more convenient than checks. I would love to see some sort of integration as well, so I can get rid of my merchant account that imposes monthly fees...
MARCUS JONES > I ordered it and already have received my swiper but have not used it yet.
Dustin Meyer > Square has definitely changed up the credit card processing ball game. It seems like a simple user interface. Hopefully, it should be a simple matter of figuring out how to integrate ShootQ with Square for online payments. (Dropping the hint to ShootQ) ;)
Jason Lloyd > I will echo that hint! Love square! -
Chris Walters > I got it a few weeks ago for my ipad and was pleasantly surprised by its simplicity. Had to call and have my deposit limit increased though, which was no problem. The convenience of collecting cc payments on location is invaluable and the clients love the fact that you make it easy for them as well. I love it. Would love to see some shootq integration.
David Owens > +1 on Square integration
Irrok Photography > Please make this happen ShootQ...
Katie Van Buren > Hello-
Thanks for providing feedback about this feature request. We have taken note of your request and will add it to be discussed for possible future feature updates.
Jenny Marlowe Marvin > Thanks! I am also a big Square user and would LOVE to integrate! ShootQ has been AMAZING!!!!! I absolutely love what you guys are doing for my company :) Thanks
Christina Kennedy > +plus 1!
Aleksandra MacDougall > Any updates on integrating square?
Matt George > The reason I like Square, is that I can add a simple generic link for down payments rather than having to create a invoice ahead of time. When I'm talking to a customer for my services, the thing that seals the deal is that they put down a simple deposit. Then I know they are serious. If they have to wait a couple of hours for me to create an invoice for them to pay a down payment, they change their mind and go to a different vendor. A lot of the times they are raedy to do business right away. I am using Stripe currently, but they don't have a simple solutions for a basic link on my website like Square has.