I thought I saw a notice a few days ago about Google making some changes that prevented the ShootQ from updating your Google Calendar. Any updates on that? Seems my recent bookings are not synching with my calendar. Any help or ideas would be appreciated!
Aly Medina > I am now having this same issue. As of a few weeks ago it looks like my Google calendar stopped syncing with ShootQ. I deleted the subscribtion and resubscribed, and now it won't even show anything. Help?
Jennifer Wheeler > I'm not receiving new information on my google calendar from shootq, OR the other way around. Is there any help for this? This whole system isn't going to work if the two aren't communicating, and if I can't enter my personal "busy times" into shootq w/o assigning them to a job. HELP!
Shari Zellers > This keeps happening to me sporadically, too. I got it working (after my original post above) and then it stopped working sometime in the past two weeks. I, too have to juggle both calendars when scheduling (PAIN) because I accidentally overbooked myself this week due to the lack of synching. When I posted the question on the Pictage forums, here was the response I received:
I have appts clearly visible in my ShootQ calendar that are not showing up on Google calendar again. Seems this happens often randomly and makes scheduling embarrassing when I don't see an appt!
Any suggestions or comments for me? I keep having to resubscribe or whatever. Am I doing something wrong or messing something up?
Help!Hi Shari,
I'm very sorry for this! We actually are working hastily to get this resolved. I'll let you know when I have more information on this.
Natalie __________________
Natalie Goldman
Pictage Rep /ShootQ Genius -
Ryan Petrello > Hey Everyone,
I noticed that several of you are experiencing these issues so I thought I'd give an explanation. As you've noticed, there are currently some ongoing issues with calendar exports from ShootQ to Google Calendar. The issue *only* affects Google Calendar users, and is a result of a bug in the way that Google Calendar (mis)handles timezone data for calendar events. Google is generally pretty slow-moving in their response to these types of issues, so we're having to adapt around them (i.e., re-write and test new code to work around their bug).
The good news is that we've got a fix in the works - I'll post back here as soon as we've published a resolution for this (it should be very soon, as resolving this is currently at the top of my list priority-wise). In the meantime, thanks for your patience, and sorry for any inconvenience this issue has caused - we're working feverishly over here to (re)tame Google Calendar and restore your calendar exports.
Shari Zellers > Thanks Ryan, I appreciate the update. I know you guys are working hard on this and it ain't easy. ;o)
Steve Zdawczynski > OK at least I'm not the only one!
Ryan Petrello > Folks,
We've just pushed an update to fix the issues you've been experiencing. If you're still having trouble subscribing to your ShootQ calendar from Google Calendar, visit:
...and follow the steps to re-subscribe.
Steve Zdawczynski > YES!
Jennifer Wheeler > So, now it's working one way (thank you!) shootq is showing up again on my google calendar, but my google calendar is not showing up on shootq. I removed, resubscribed, the green check looks like it worked, but none of my appointments are on the shootq calendar. Is this being worked on, too? Without this feed, people double book my time.
Ryan Petrello > Jennifer,
I haven't heard any other reports of this, so there's a fair chance it's just an issue of misconfiguration rather than a bug. Either way, would you mind filing a support ticket so we can investigate a bit further?
Ryan Petrello > Jennifer,
After taking a quick look, it looks like something's misconfigured on the Google end. I downloaded your calendar into my desktop iCal installation and it looks just like what ShootQ's parsing. You'll notice that it's *somewhat* working, as there's an event showing up on May 25th, 2011:
Anyways, file a support ticket and one of our support reps will help you get to the bottom of this :).
Kristin Greenlee > This seems to be me mostly a thread regarding Google, but now my iCal feed is not importing into my Shoot Q as of recent when it worked fine before. Any ideas? I don't want to double book myself! My shoot
Kristin Greenlee > Ok, iCal users who have recently upgraded their mobile me calendars (as required by apple with the coming of iCloud). For some reason of the 3 caledars shoot
Kristin Greenlee > Sorry, I accidentally clicked return before finishing!
Ryan Petrello > Kristin,
When I look in your account, I see events imported for each of your imported calendars. Are you still having issues?
Rachel Epstein > My Google calendar isn't syncing with ShootQ anymore. It worked initially, but now it doesn't. I deleted it and readded. Still doesn't work... Any ideas????
Katie Van Buren > Hi Rachel,
Can you send in a support ticket with more information (What browser your using, what calendar system, when you noticed the problem, what changes you made etc?) That will help us to take a look "under the hood" to see what is going on for you.
Aly Medina > I'm unfortunately having syncing issues, again. Is there a known problem at the moment?
Katie Van Buren > Hello Aly,
I am sorry that you are having trouble with your ShootQ account syncing with Google. We have not heard of anyone else experiencing this issue right now. Can you send in a support ticket with more details? It will help us to be able to resolve this for you.
Permanently deleted user > We are currently having MAJOR syncing issues:
1) events not showing on our Google Calendar at all after scheduling
2) events not showing time/date changes made in ShootQ after initial booking
3) incorrect times showing upWe have re-uploaded our ShootQ Calendars numerous times. Some weeks are worse than others - the past couple of weeks have been particularly bad. Suggestions?
Ann -
Maris Ehlers > Google calendar is not synching again, and after repeatedly unsubscribing and resubscribing pretty much daily this past week, now it doesn't even populate or show out of date data. This is a huge problem. I need a calendar where everything is synched and it is up to the minute and accurate, especially this time of the year! What is the resolution to this problem? Thank you.
Lisa Richmond > The same thing is happening for me. I am anxious for a solution too-
What's the word SQ?
Christina Ragusin > Same here. Major problems. Nothing from my business calendar is showing up in my shootQ calendar, and nothing in my shootq calendar is showing up in my google calendars. Well, I can't say nothing. One or two show up. But it's enough to give me anxiety over missing appointments. Is there an update soon?
Aly Medina > You know, this issue has been ongoing for over a year now, and as much as I love ShootQ, it's making me wonder if I should find a different studio management software. Syncing calendars is ESSENTIAL to running a successful business, and if we can't get that right through ShootQ, we might have to move on. Oh, and no, my calendars aren't syncing right now. Again.
Jennifer Wheeler > Mine is very on and off too. I see about half of my appointments, which is even worse, because I don't realize it's not working. Is this a google issue or a shootq issue? I almost missed a shoot Sat, not realizing it existed w/o cross referencing both sites. Please respond. Thanks!
Andrew Niesen > I've got Ryan Petrello (lead ShootQ developer) looking into this now. It's always hard for me to tell if it's a problem on our end or Google's.
Several months ago, Google changed their calendar feed code unannounced, and we had to fix ours to talk to theirs. Ryan will update here once he has more information...
Diane Stredicke > Mine is not showing up either. Help!!!
Andrew Niesen > Hey Diane,
Calendar feeds from ShootQ generate once per hour. If you call it less than an hour before you previously called it, you won't see an update. After waiting an hour, does it update?
jennifer rau > can someone give full instructions for syncing? can't find it. want to try again before i create a ticket.
Josh Wren > Have you read the instructions here: http://help.shootq.com/entries/195236-how-do-i-integrate-my-calendar
I set my calendar syncing up with those instructions and all is working properly