Releases and Updates (November 24, 2015)

Hello ShootQ'ers-

We just released a very cool feature which we think you will love.  We added the weather and sunrise/sunset times to ShootQ.

Here's the scoop:

Weather - A new section has been added to the dashboard with a detailed weather report for today.  The weather will also show in the What's Happening, seven day calendar view. Note: The weather is determined by the country and zip/postal code for the brand's Legal Address under Settings > Brands. US locations will display temperatures in Fahrenheit; other locations will show Celsius.


Sunrise/Sunset - The times have been added to the following places:

  • Dashboard in the Weather and What's Happening widgets
  • Shoot info page in the On the Calendar section
  • Printed Dossier

Important Notes: The shoot location, postal code and country needs to be set for sunrise/sunset to show

Revised On the Calendar Sunrise Sunset.png


 Happy Q'ing!

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