Releases and Updates (July 23, 2015)

Hi Everyone,

In this week's release we fixed several nagging issues.

After making payments on invoices with an integrated merchant account, a client was being redirected to the Billing & Legal section of the client area even if they weren't logged in to the portal. We modified the redirect URL so that if the client is not logged in and they make payment, they will be redirected to the invoice where they can see that a successful transaction has occurred. This should help alleviate any confusion on whether or not a payment was successfully made. This has been updated for all integrated merchant accounts.

There was an issue in Safari where the PayJunction payment form was not loading. This was due the limitations of the PayJunction form and  the default cookie settings in Safari. We have removed the form from an iframe on the invoice so that it now loads in its own tab/window. This will allow the form to be visible regardless of a browser's cookie settings (unless, of course, the browser is blocking all cookies).

The PayJunction payment form was requiring a minimum payment of $10.00 on all invoices even if the invoice was less than $10.00. This has been resolved.

Some studios still had invoices that were using the old PayPal integration even though this has been removed from the system. These invoices have been fixed.

And finally, we also did some other under-the-hood improvements to make ShootQ run better.

Happy Q'ing!

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