PayPal Pro Merchant Account Changes

We have updated the security settings for Paypal Payments Pro to further safeguard your clients' credit information and to ensure an even more secure process for their transactions.  This update requires you to have a Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 account and also make specific changes if you would like to continue using Paypal Payments Pro as your integrated merchant account in ShootQ.

On July 8, 2015 we disabled the old PayPal integration. Going forward, you will need a PayPal Payments Pro 2.0 account if you are directly integrating with PayPal.


1. Determine if you already have a Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 Account

You'll first need to determine if you already have a Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 account. If you log in to your Paypal account via with Manager Login and API Credentials (see below), you already have a Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 Account. Just skip down to the "Configure Settings in Paypal Payments Pro 2.0" section in this article to tweak your settings.



If you log in to your Paypal account with only a username and password, you have a legacy version of PayPal Payments Pro (3.0). You'll need to set up a new Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 account. The following steps explain how this is done.

  1. Call to setup a new PayPal Payments Pro 2.0 account
    1. Contact the PayPal Sales dept. at 1-844-899-6409 for a new PayPal Pro account and mention that you are a ShootQ member - we've prepped them for your call and they will take care of you.
  2. PayPal's support team will go over your specific needs and make sure you are setup.  In addition you will want to disable your old PayPal Pro (legacy 3.0) account. 


2. Configure Settings in Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 Manager

The next part of the setup process involves configuring settings on your PayPal Account. The following Steps will show how to do this:


1. Log into your account at

2. Click on "Service Settings" at the top of the page.
3. Then click on the link labeled "Set Up"

4. Change the Transaction Process Mode to 'Live'.



5. Under Security Options change your settings to the following:

     AVS: No
     CSC: No
     Enable Secure Token: Yes



6.Click 'Save Changes'

7. Finally, under Service Settings > Hosted Checkout Pages > Customize, choose Layout C. Then 'Save and Publish' your changes



3. Update Payment Receiving Preferences in

1. Log into
2. Navigate to Profile (click on your name or business name)
3. Under 'My Profile' on the left side you will see 'My selling tools' click it
4. Find 'Block payments' under 'Getting paid and managing my risk' and click Update
5.  Change the Payment Receiving Preferences for 'Block accidental payments' to 'No, allow multiple payments per invoice ID
6. Click Save


4. Add A New Merchant Account in ShootQ

1. Navigate to Settings > Invoices & Payments > Online Payments
2. Click 'Add A New Merchant Account'
3. Choose 'Paypal Payments Pro New" as the Merchant Type
4. Enter your Paypal Payments Pro 2.0 credentials

  • Partner
  • Merchant Login
  • User
  • Password

NOTE: When you initially set up a PayPal Payments Pro account, the “User” is the same value as the “Merchant Login". PayPal typically recommends that you create a separate User by going into the Paypal Manager and navigating to Account Administration -> Add User. From here you can create a separate User that only has API or Full Transaction access. This way, your account credentials for running transactions is separate from your PayPal Manager access credentials.

5. Choose which credit cards you will accept and click 'Save'
6. Click 'Run A Test Transaction' to make sure your account is synced.

You can then delete your old Paypal merchant account. If any existing invoices are using your old PayPal account, the system will allow you to choose your New Paypal account as a replacement. This article explains more. Going forward, your existing invoices will use your new Paypal Payments Pro account to collect payments.


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