New Feature and Fixes (January 29, 2015)

Hello Q Nation!

This week we released a new feature and fixed some bugs on the site.

New Feature

1. Option to make Required Fields on Questionnaires: When building your questionnaires you can now require the client fill out questions prior to submitting the form back to you. You can make all of the questions required or just certain ones. It's up to you. Learn More>>>

Bug Fixes

1. When entering a Quick Lead that was an existing Relationship, the "Potential Matches" pop-up screen was not displaying. This has now been resolved.
2. The Bad Gateway error when clicking Help Hub > Live Webinars has been fixed.

And this bug was fixed in last week's release (January 22, 2015):
1. Error when exporting Groups to vCard or CSV under the Relationships tab.

Happy Q'ing!

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