Hey Everyone,
This week's ShootQ tech release included the following features:
- Added Line Items To Proposals - Now you can give your clients a visual display of the savings they are getting with your packages. The itemized prices of each product/service will display to the client when proceeding through the steps of signing a proposal. Just like invoices, you can choose to hide these itemized prices and only show the package price by checking the “Mask Invoices” box under Settings > Invoice Settings & Payments.
Bug Fixes
- The taxes on payments are now being split proportionally when the payment schedule has a payment for "a specific amount" and split balance.
- Cancelled orders are no longer showing up in the "What's New" section of the client area.
- When creating an order for a booked shoot, finalizing it with a contract and then modifying it without one the original contract was being applied, we fixed this bug.
Happy Q'ing!