Accepting Proposals On ShootQ iPhone App


We have been alerted to a sensitive issue regarding accepting proposals and signing them through the iPhone app.  We released an update to our contracts ( which broke how the iPhone app stores and displays the studios signature within  When the contract is accepted from the iPhone app, it does book the shoot, but the signature is not stored in  

We are aware of this issue and are currently investigating it and working to fix it. We will post updates here as we have them.  In the meantime, we strongly suggest that you do not accept and sign proposals from the iPhone app.  You can log into from your computer to accept and sign the proposal without any issues. 

Thank you for your patience while we work to troubleshoot and correct this issue as soon as possible.

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    Jacob Arthur

    Hopefully this is an opportunity for ShootQ to take a closer look at other updates needed in the iPhone app! Right now the latest update to it was July 2013, and it has a one-star rating in iTunes.

    In 2011 ShootQ promissed a "platform agnostic" web based app, but apparently that never materialized.

    Lots of room for improvement in this area!

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    Mike Steelman

    MOST DEFINITELY need an iPhone App focus!!! My workflow would be 1000x better and my life easier, as well as a VERY STRONG selling point to fellow photogs to have them join ShootQ. It's been at the top of feedback discussions. Any idea when we can see a new and improved, rock my socks off ShootQ App?



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    Michael Anthony

    Not just iPhone.  I love ShootQ, but today's world is mobile, I need to be able to respond to e-mail inquiries and send proposals on the go.  The lack of mobile support has had me looking at other alternatives, but I love ShootQ and I am hoping that you guys have something in the works for Android and iPhone going forward.  

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    Josh Wren

    Yeah the iPhone side of things has been horrendous. Time to spend some of your subscription money on development!!

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    Robert Norman

    yeah--I never even LOOK at the phone/ipad app since it's so super-sad and nearly useless. REALLY high time to get that into a working form!!!!


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    Katie Van Buren

    Over the past few weeks we have resolved these issues.  These issues were a direct affect of our update we did to our contracts (  The contract area of the app was not broken, it wasn't working properly due to the data that was being sent from ShootQ.  We made the update to our ShootQ database, which resolved the contract issue on the app.

    We have read through the comments about the iPhone app, we are aware of it's current bugs and issues.  The app has not been updated in years and we agree, it needs some love.  For now, it was important for us to fix the contract issues so you can rest assured that your jobs are not being affected.

    Accepting Proposals on ShootQ iPhone App - We resolved the issue where contracts were not displaying the studios signature within >>> Release Info

    Contract Not Visible in iPhone App - We resolved the issue where contracts were not displaying when reviewing a proposal from within the iPhone app. >>> Release Info

    Give the Ability to Re-Sign Contracts From iPhone Bug-    This release fixes existing shoots that had this problem, you can now sign these contracts again and the signature will be visible to the client. >>> Release Notes  


    Katie Van Buren Glymin

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