RESOLVED: Reported Issue with the Lead Creation Email Address

This issue has been RESOLVED as of 5:26 p.m. PT on Mar. 2, 2014. The feature is now operating properly.


Some users have reported that a lead is not being created in ShootQ when they are using the lead creation email address integration ( with their websites' contact forms.

We are aware of this issue and are currently investigating it. We will post updates here as we have them.

Thank you for your patience while we work to troubleshoot and correct this issue as soon as possible.

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    DELETED: Jean-Maurice Juge

    I am also finding that the site has been very slow

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    DELETED: Jean-Maurice Juge

    I am also finding that the site has been very slow

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    Nina Claire

    yeah me too... I notice that shoot Q is super slow... a bit frustrating...


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    Mary Waters

    Super slow, and updating the workflow task checklist is a nightmare. Is there a plan to improve this soon?

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    David Bock

    Same here. Super slow.

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    James Miesner

    Does this mean that if someone contacted us from our contact form during that time, then those potential leads are lost unless they contact us again?

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    David Mielcarek

    Yes, please explain - what exactly does that mean?

    The only change I noticed is that the lead emails are now coming twice. They come at exactly the same moment but two emails instead of one (it's the same email, repeated). Is this something that still needs to be corrected?


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    Hi Everyone,

    With regard to the slowness issue, our tech team has verified that there are not any issues with our servers. The problems you are experiencing could from your local network, ISP, router, etc.

    @James Miesner - If you are using the lead creation email address to feed leads into the ShootQ system, you would have still received an email when a user filled out your contact form, but the lead would not have been automatically created in Shootq. This means those leads are not lost. That issue began on Friday night and was resolved on Sunday around 5:30pm PST.

    @ David Mielcarek - I will have our tech team look into the duplicate email issue.

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    Thank you for your patience. The issue with the duplicate emails was resolved this afternoon. If you are still receiving two emails from ShootQ when clients fill out your contact form, please send us a support ticket so we can further investigate.

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