Hey Everyone,
We just released the latest update to ShootQ. This release was dedicated to resolving some known Pictage sync and bug issues. Take a look at the latest update.
- Pictage Sync Renaming and Re-sending - You can now fix Pictage sync issues for renaming or re-sending the shoot from ShootQ, without contacting customer support.
- Product Workflows In Client Area- These are now working correctly again, product workflows are completely removed from the client area once the workflow has been removed from the shoot.
- Invoice Reports - Easily export the photographer assigned to the shoot, in a new column on the downloadable csv and xls invoice reports.
- Fixed the two formatting bugs in the Crystalized and Obsidian themes for the booking proposal.
- Frostlight and Obsidian now have a void stamp added to them for voided invoices.
Happy Q'ing!