Hey everyone! We’ve just released a batch of updates to ShootQ. We chose features we think EVERYONE will love, but Portrait photographers should find these updates especially useful. This release is just the first part of a two-phaser, so more to come!
Here are some of the major updates this round:
- New Variables! We created a slew of new variables for use in Contract, Email, and Invoice Templates (the biggest one being for a Location Variable for Other/Portrait Contracts!). These variables will give you a lot more flexibility in customizing your documents and communications. See all the new variable additions below.
- Brand-Specific Signatures! For accounts that have multiple brands, we have made user signatures brand-specific. Previously, you were required to use the same signature for every brand on the account. Now, those signatures can be customized for each brand. Instructions here>>
- Create Shoot from a Relationship! Previously, the process for creating a new Shoot for someone already in ShootQ was sub-optimal. Now, we have added a button on the Relationship that will automatically load that person into a Quick Lead and create a Shoot for them. What was formerly a long, arduous process can now be done with a couple of clicks. Super Easy>>
- Put a Time Limit on your Booking Proposal! A new setting will allow photographers to set a custom time frame for every Proposal. Read More>>
- Assign Personnel to Appointments! Photographers can now assign personnel to Appointments whether booked manually or requested.
- Address Field Now Required! Previously, users could complete a booking proposal without entering an address, leading to incomplete Contracts. To resolve this problem, we have made “Address” a required field.
Here’s a list of some additional changes & fixes:
- Favicons: We’ve added the ability to upload a favicon for your Nimbus site. Read the instructions here
- Dossier Updates: We’ve updated the Location fields to now display all fields, regardless if the Map is selected. We also fixed the Map functionality.
- Pictage Gallery Links: If your shoot is synced to Pictage, the client portal now includes the direct link to the Event website.
- Improved Authors list in Nimbus: This list will now only display authors whose posts have been approved.
- Bulk Comment Moderation: We updated this functionality so you can moderate the individual post as well.
Here is a list of all the newly added variables:
- Contract variables Added: Brand Name, Bride First Name, Bride Last Name, Groom First Name, Groom Last Name, Company Information, Company Full Name, Portrait/Other Location, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name
o Customer variables to be used for A La Carte orders needing contracts. - Contract Variables Edited: Split “Package Description and Contents”, updated Event Security Code to say “Client Area Security Code”
- Email Variables: Personnel Assignments
- Invoice Settings for Email Reminders: Client Area Link
- Questionnaire Default Email: Brand Name
Remember – this is just phase one of a two-part release! Watch for another announcement right here in about three little weeks…..
Happy Q’ing!
Here is a screen shot of settings menu, allowing you to set a time limit in the proposal booking engine:
Here is a screen shot displaying where you can create a shoot from a relationship: