What's New with Q? November 19, 2012

Hey everyone! We’ve just released a batch of updates to ShootQ. We chose features we think EVERYONE will love, but Portrait photographers should find these updates especially useful. This release is just the first part of a two-phaser, so more to come!

Here are some of the major updates this round:

  1. New Variables! We created a slew of new variables for use in Contract, Email, and Invoice Templates (the biggest one being for a Location Variable for Other/Portrait Contracts!). These variables will give you a lot more flexibility in customizing your documents and communications. See all the new variable additions below.
  2. Brand-Specific Signatures! For accounts that have multiple brands, we have made user signatures brand-specific. Previously, you were required to use the same signature for every brand on the account. Now, those signatures can be customized for each brand. Instructions here>>
  3. Create Shoot from a Relationship! Previously, the process for creating a new Shoot for someone already in ShootQ was sub-optimal. Now, we have added a button on the Relationship that will automatically load that person into a Quick Lead and create a Shoot for them. What was formerly a long, arduous process can now be done with a couple of clicks. Super Easy>>
  4. Put a Time Limit on your Booking Proposal! A new setting will allow photographers to set a custom time frame for every Proposal. Read More>>
  5. Assign Personnel to Appointments! Photographers can now assign personnel to Appointments whether booked manually or requested.
  6. Address Field Now Required! Previously, users could complete a booking proposal without entering an address, leading to incomplete Contracts. To resolve this problem, we have made “Address” a required field.

Here’s a list of some additional changes & fixes:

  • Favicons: We’ve added the ability to upload a favicon for your Nimbus site. Read the instructions here
  • Dossier Updates: We’ve updated the Location fields to now display all fields, regardless if the Map is selected. We also fixed the Map functionality.
  • Pictage Gallery Links: If your shoot is synced to Pictage, the client portal now includes the direct link to the Event website.
  • Improved Authors list in Nimbus: This list will now only display authors whose posts have been approved.
  • Bulk Comment Moderation: We updated this functionality so you can moderate the individual post as well.

Here is a list of all the newly added variables:

  • Contract variables Added: Brand Name, Bride First Name, Bride Last Name, Groom First Name, Groom Last Name, Company Information, Company Full Name, Portrait/Other Location, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name
     o   Customer variables to be used for A La Carte orders needing contracts.
  • Contract Variables Edited: Split “Package Description and Contents”, updated Event Security Code to say “Client Area Security Code”
  • Email Variables: Personnel Assignments
  • Invoice Settings for Email Reminders: Client Area Link
  • Questionnaire Default Email: Brand Name

Remember – this is just phase one of a two-part release! Watch for another announcement right here in about three little weeks…..

Happy Q’ing!

Here is a screen shot of settings menu, allowing you to set a time limit in the proposal booking engine:


Here is a screen shot displaying where you can create a shoot from a relationship:


Have more questions? Submit a request


  • 0
    Jacob Arthur

    Thank you! Things have felt a little stagnant around here, so I'm very glad to see some improvements rolling in. Signatures for different brands and time limit on proposals are both very nice additions!

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    Dave Cowling

    Great to see some action on ShootQ.  

    Can we please please please include the ability to hide the name of the photographer / cinematographer assigned to a shoot from the client.  We need the ability to be able to assign staff with an option for the client to see / not to see who is assigned.  At the moment this feature is completely useless to us as I need the option to be able to swap staff around sometimes.

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    Leeann Golish
    These are great!! Keep up the good work!!
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    Nathan Bell

    Thanks so much!!  It's awesome to see some significant development!  

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    Hector Gil
    It would be great for one to see the anniversary dates again. For me I turn it off and on and they never remind me or show me in the shoots calendar.
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    Angela Higgins

    Is there something going on with the calendar subscriptions after this update? My iCal says the subscription has an error and won't update.

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    Jon Fischer

    I shoot bar mitzvahs.  It is an event that needs all the details up front like a wedding. and some of the details like the ceremony and reception address are the same. But I need to know different information likethe child's name and the parents address. Having to request from the parents that they fill in this information as the bride and groom is inappropriate and very unprofessional but not having anything to fill out in one of my own categories is not good either (and this is what I have been doing)   Please make these variables completely able to be determined by our needs as a studio., each studio might have specific questions that they need answered by the client immediately while they are signing the contract....please......I was hoping to see this in this revision.  

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    Phil McConville

    Thank you for these new updates!!  Just a couple of suggestions for future updates:

    1-  please allow clients to make payments to their balance as they wish instead of having to have a specific package breakdown for a monthly payment.  Many of our clients don't know their package choice right off the bat, but would still like to make payments ahead of time in the increment of their choice.

    2- what is the status of Invoices being uploaded into Quickbooks?  Currently, I have to manually input an entire separate invoice in Quickbooks because the upload from Quickbooks doesn't go into the correct category.  This has caused LOADS of problems.  I would LOVE to see this work.  

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    Chenese Bean

    In the variables, what is Portrait/Other location?  

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    Jessica Pearl

    Thanks for the update!

    We still really need to getting ready locations for weddings, and add'on should always be available in the client area.

    Also to have a variable link to the questionnaires. I like to have different emails attached to each.







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    Jessica Pearl

    To clarify, we need the getting ready location and time, justthe same as ceremony and reception

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    Robb Davidson

    HEY SHOOTQ!!!! Awesome! I am so super pumped that the new variable is rockin!!! However, it is not in the email templates to add in, as I like to use an email to check in with the client for their portrait session...I usually like to check and make sure the info is right...including the shoot address.  Any chance we can throw that bad boy in there??  Again though, this is a breath of fresh air in updates. Can't wait for the next release in a few weeks!!

    You save my life. 

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    Permanently deleted user

    Great job SQ! My request - please change the history for tasks/workflow to reflect actual dates as opposed to "x" number of days ago. Thank you!

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    John Davies

    Wow, it's great so see some LONG OVERDUE development.  Thanks ShootQ, keep it up!

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    Cindy Brown

    Thanks for all the improvements.

    And update I would to see is the ability to save an email I have worked on for a client as a template to use later.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Cindy,

    You can save emails as templates. Just click on the "Settings" tab and then "Emails" in the first section (Client Access and Correspondence). You'll find a whole section on email templates. Hope this helps!


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    Mindy Belcher


    Thanks guys -- we are SO HAPPY you are listening to us and rolling out updates.

    You guys rock!


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    Jessica Pearl

    Todd, that's a great suggestion. To change the task list to actual dates. To download the task list to my iCal would be even better!

    Thanks SQ!! You guys are great!

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    Cindy Brown

    Thanks, Todd. I have 30 or 40 email templates saved for reuse. What I would like to be able to do is take one while I am writing it to a client, (especially when I've created a lot of clickable links) and convert it to a template, rather than copying the text and recreating all the links to create a template.

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    Amy Kovacs

    I would love to have different photographers sessions be different colors.  I hope this is an option that comes out soon!

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    Kelly Harms

    Yay, ShootQ!!!  Excited for these changes and looking forward to more.  Thank you!!

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    Christina Kennedy

    Why didn't you add a Location Variable to the emails?

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    Christina Kennedy

    Actually, I don't understand why all of the variables are not available in emails?  Why is it restricted?

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    Janel Grimm

    Can you make it so that we can add a discount to the contract prior to the client signing it?  it looks deceiving to send out a contract and have to explain that the discount will be applied AFTER they've signed the contract.

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    Megan Lane

    YAY for the updates!  Thanks so much for the hard work!

    I know this has been asked before so I hope it is on the radar for the next update:  can we please be given the ability to make the phone number a required field on the Contact page.  That would be super helpful:)

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    Dawn Gilmore

    It would be great if we could add initial boxes on certain parts of the contract that we want to ENSURE that the client reads.  I get that they sign the overall contract but I would really like to direct their attention to a few key areas that I would like their initials that they read & consent to.

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