Welcome to Atrium!
Atrium is more than a new login page, it's a centralized place to administer your account-level settings. These settings include basic user details, brand information and colors, and billing information. Unifying these settings allows you to take advantage of future product offerings, including Nimbus, without re-entering information or creating new usernames and passwords.
Why the change?
Nimbus is around the corner and Atrium lays the groundwork for it. Since your account information stays in Atrium, you won't need to enter it again if you decide to use Nimbus. Even better, with single sign-on, you'll be able to use your ShootQ username and password to access Nimbus.
What's different?
The biggest change is that some settings have moved. Instead of your user and brand information settings living in ShootQ, they've moved to Atrium. When you click the control panels in Settings for Logos & Colors, Brands, People & Roles, Password, Date & Times, and Twitter you'll be redirected to Atrium. As a visual cue, the overall appearance is different, utilizing gray and black, to let you know you're accessing Atrium. If you had a ShootQ account before the launch of Atrium, all your existing settings remain unchanged and are in Atrium.
My Profile
All users have access to their user information in Atrium. From here, a user can update their name, email address, username, password, timezone and connect to Twitter.
Integration with Twitter is easier than ever! Simply follow the link and login with your Twitter username and password. No more following, waiting for a DM, clicking a link, touching your toes while facing south...
Theming Engine
There is a new theme engine powering the public-facing areas. Changes to your colors and design settings apply to your client area, questionnaires, pricing pages, online booking proposals, etc. giving you unified branding across all client accessible areas. As Nimbus is launched, these settings can apply to your website, giving you an integrated and consistent web presence.
And coming soon, you'll be able to select between various themes for your public areas. There will be a selection of professionally designed themes with expanded capabilities planned in a future release.
Contact Form Updates
An updated ShootQ contact form, sporting a cleaner look, consistent field labels, and HTML5 goodness is powered by the new theming engine. As a result, changes to your color settings also apply to the contact form providing a unified look across your publicly-accessible areas. Additionally, the contact form now has full compatibility with mobile devices!