What's New with Q? ShootQ 3.2.1 Notes

We've got some great updates for your ShootQ account in the latest ShootQ release!  Here's some of the highlights!

• Creating new invoices is even simpler now and Relationships can now be added on the fly when building custom á la carte orders.

•Setting up payment plans for your clients just got even easier!  Now, when you build payment plans, you can choose to “Split Balance”.  For example: You can charge $1000 at Booking Time and then choose to split the remaining Balance into 3 (Equal) payments.

•Now, if an email is ever sent to a customer and it's rejected or bounces, ShootQ will notify you of the failed delivery via email.

•When building standard and custom packages, ShootQ automatically tallies the items of the package price.

•When you're building online proposals, ShootQ will remind you to select the Shoot's photographers/videographers if you haven't done so.

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    Tracy Timmester

    I love that the "split balance" option has been added, but I'm already having problems with it.  I've tried to use it, but it's telling me "Your payment plan adds up to less than the selected package", which doesn't make any sense.  What am I doing wrong?

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    Katie Humphreys

    Hey Tracy! Without knowing the specifics of your situation it's tough to know what the issue might be.  Definitely contact support so that someone can look at your issue and see what the problem might be!

    Happy Q'ing! :) 

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