Eliminated 30-Day Trial and Added New Test Drive Mode
New one-page signup form.
The trial period is now no longer limited by time.
Users can use all functionality of ShootQ, but can only create a total of 5 shoots (leads, booked jobs, dead leads, etc.) before they have to upgrade to Startup, Studio, or Hub.
Improved Pricing Configuration and Flexibility
Users can now specify “options” on their products, such as finish, color, size, etc. and assign additional cost and cost of goods to each option.
Packages can contain variations of products (e.g., “Large Red Product” or “Small Blue Product”)
Users will be able to use a new tool which assists them in the process of raising or lowering their pricing across the board by a percentage or fixed amount.
Revamped Proposal and Order Creation
All of the proposal and order building interfaces have been replaced with a unified UI which is package-centric, and much easier and quicker to use.
Leads can now be booked manually and online without choosing a shoot date.
Family Grouping and Relationship Management
Relationships can now be placed together into “groups” which show an integrated/aggregated view of profit, important dates, etc.
Users can now subscribe to a calendar feed which includes important dates (birthdays and anniversaries) for all the relationships in their ShootQ account.
Relationship imports from vCards now perform a more detailed merge process to improve reliability and performance.
Workflow and Task Improvements for Assignment and Delays
Photographers can now place entire workflows “on-hold” temporarily, which will help to de-clutter their task management and dashboard when they are waiting on things outside their control.
Improved Correspondence and Record-Keeping
Calendar feeds now include shoot remarks in the “notes” field.
Users now have increased control over automated emails, and will be given the ability to BCC themselves in a variety of ways for automatic emails.
The email that photographers receive when a new lead is created will now include information about who the referrer was for the lead.
Other Improvements
The calendar now has a dedicated tab for improved usability and visibility.
Our existing “rich text” editor has been replaced with a new improved editor.
Users can enable Skype-integration, which will launch and dial phone numbers using Skype when clicked on.
More flexibility for iPad users in the native app. Now when you send an email on a shoot, you can type a custom plain-text message or select from one of your templates.
Users can now specify “options” on their products, such as finish, color, size, etc. and assign additional cost and cost of goods to each option.
This is a nice feature but is there a way to specify Quantity? For example I would love to have add extra pages to album under here but I don't see a way they can choose a number of pages or another example if they want album cut out on the cover they can't specify how many cut outs.
Hope there is a way that I am just not understanding yet.
Mike, Pictage is much more than just a shopping cart. Other solutions are fine if you just want to share images online. But if you really want ton sell Pictage is second to none. I used to be a naysayer too but since I started using Pictage my online sales have gone up 1000%. So, I disagree. ShootQ did great when they partnered with Pictage.
David....Was a Pictage member for 4 years...left a year ago...making more money with Proofpro...and with the extra money I am hiring an admin next year.... so.... Keep Pictage and have them annoy your clients with all their emails and crummy interface.....or have an admin to answer my emails, priocess orders, do other random things, and make me coffee....hmmmmm.....tough choice :-)
I would urge all of you to not sell your portraits online unless you have no other option. In-studio projection sales (we use ProSelect) is the absolute best way to sell your art. In the very rare cases we must sell online, our sales are significantly less than in-studio.
Mike, I am glad that Proofpro works for you, but I think is ridiculously expensive for what it does and offer. Hands down, Pictage is a much better deal that ProofPro. I used to use a service similar to ProofPro and my sales were peanuts compared to what I have done this year with Pictage which has been 1000% more than my last 2 years in the other system.
(1) What you call annoying emails I call marketing my business.
(2) Pictage does sell my products Prooofpro does not.
(3) Pictage serves me as an online storage, Proofpro does not.
To be honest, I think a lot of people don't get what Pictage is. It is way more than online proofing with a shopping cart. It is a perfect match for ShootQ as both do work for me for a fraction of the cost of an employee.
But I am glad ProofPro works for you.
And you left a year ago, and the interface changed since then. That lousy interface, as you call it, is what increased my sales. That interface plus the marketing Pictage does for me, It sells. I do not even have to think about it. It pays for itself and makes me money. And that makes me happy.
And for your choices, Let me see... and employee is about $1,500 to 2,000 a month versus $49 a month... Well, I think it is a no brainer... Pictage hands down.
What will I do with my Pictage sales, well take my family to Disney. :)
Yes, Jeremy, I totally agree with you. Online proofing is not the way to go with Portrait sales.It has been shown to decrease sales. I only use online proofing for my wedding proof. 99% of all my weddings are destination weddings.
I discovered an error with regard to contracts. After the November 2010 update, the variables in contracts do not seem to be working consistently. For example, the Bride variable does not seem to be resolving to the name of the Bride. So, in clients' contracts, a blank space exists where the bride's name should be.