A user in Nimbus is an author - someone who can create content for your site.
A user must be invited to your Nimbus account from the People & Roles settings. Click the Invite link to bring up the Add New User page. Select the appropriate role for each brand then click the Add button. The user will receive an email with instructions on logging in.
Note: The Display Name is the name shown on the site.
For each brand, a user can be assigned to one of three roles.
- Administrator - Has access to all Nimbus settings and can create a publish content. The account owner is automatically an administrator and cannot be changed to another role.
- Editor - Can create and publish content like blog posts, image galleries and web pages.
- Contributor - Can draft (but not publish) content like blog posts, image galleries and web pages.
- No Access - No access to the brand.
ShootQ Users
Users you've created in ShootQ are not automatically added to Nimbus. If you'd like to add an existing ShootQ user to Nimbus, you must invite them.