

Your site can have a configurable navigation menu.  This appears on most pages, with the exception being your ShootQ client area.  The appearance and location of the navigation menu will depend on the theme you've chosen for your Nimbus site.  For example, the Stratus theme has the navigation menu across the top of the page while the Cumulus theme has it on the left side.

There are three parts to configuring your navigation menu:

  • Label - This is the text displayed in the navigation menu.
  • Optional help text - This is the alt text that displays when hovering over a label.
  • Type - This is where the link in the navigation menu goes.

Navigation Menu Types

  • Category - A link to all blog posts with an assigned category.
  • Gallery - A link to "All Galleries" or any specific gallery.
  • Page - A link to a particular page created in the pages settings.
  • Post - A link to the "Main Blog" or any specific blog post.
  • ShootQ - A link to the ShootQ contact form, client area or pricing page.  Should you have more than one pricing page on your brand, the end-user will be sent to a landing page allowing them to choose the particular pricing page they'd like to see.
  • URL - Any public link.

Ordering Menu Items

The order of the navigation menu can be changed by dragging and dropping menu items to your desired order.  When hovering over a row, the cursor will change, indicating that you can drag the menu item up or down.

Default Menus

By default, Nimbus includes a standard set of menu items.  Any of these menu items can be modified or removed.

  • Home - A link to a pre-defined page called "Home"
  • About Us - A link to a pre-defined page called "About Us"
  • Blog - A link to the main blog page
  • Galleries - A link to the main gallery page
  • Contact - A link to your ShootQ contact form
  • Client Login - A link to your ShootQ client area.


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  • 0
    Andrea Raney

    how can I create separate gallery categories? i.e. wedding, engagement, families, etc

  • 0
    Justin Lund

    Hi Andrea, you can tag galleries, but this is for internal sorting right now.  We'll add viewing tagged galleries in an upcoming release.

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    Kellie Newsome

    Hi im getting an error when i try and type in an external link in menus. keeps saying there was error submitting my information, pease trya agin later. Im trying to include a link to my main website. I just redirected a subdomain to point at nimbus - could this be why?

    Please help...thanks - Kellie

  • 0
    Justin Lund

    Hey Kellie, it looks like there is a bug when creating new menu items, not just for external URLs.  We'll have a fix planned for a maintenance release due tomorrow or Thursday.

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    David Higgins

    I am getting errors when trying to change the name of a menu, no saving taking place. Also having errors with Crystalize template, photo header not rotating images. New published pages are also not showing up on the front end. 

  • 0
    David Higgins

    When editing menu, I receive "There was an error submitting your information! Please try again later." each time I click save. 

  • 0
    Ben Jenkins

    Hey David, 
    The error message has had a ticket created for it already.  I'm sure it will be fixed soon.  Even though there is an error the menus are still being created.  If you get the error and refresh your page the menu item will show up.   

  • 0
    David Higgins

    Finding "upload file" to be unsuccessful as well when working in "pages" and finding cell re-size in tables is not functioning either.  

    Also, wondering if it is at all possible to alter the color the text in forms, Have found the color changer to alter the client entered text, but not the text labels text on fill-able forms. 

  • 0
    David Higgins

    Also found that the preview button when creating pages does not function, it sends me right back to the main "pages" screen without saving the work added. 

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