DNS Settings for Nimbus

Domain Name and DNS

Domain Name

Every Nimbus site comes with a photosit.es domain name.  If you'd like to use your own domain name, you can configure that in the Nimbus DNS settings.  Click the "Add a new domain" and enter your domain name. Make sure to preface with 'www' else you will get an error.



Now for the hard part!  In order to use your new domain name with Nimbus, you'll need to adjust the DNS settings with your domain host.  Settings vary from provider to provider, but the overview is to create a CNAME record for the domain.

Host Name/Alias:  www

Value/Destination:  nimbus.shootq.com



Log in to your GoDaddy account and go to the Domain Details of the domain you'd like to update.  Launch the DNS Manager.



In the DNS Manager, create a new CNAME by clicking the Quick Add link.  Enter the following information:

Host: www

Points to: nimbus.shootq.com

Be sure to save your changes!


If you want someone to go to your Nimbus site by typing mydomain.com instead of www.mydomain.com, you'll need to setup domain forwarding.  In the Domain Details, click the Manage link in the Forwarding section under Domain Information.


In the window that appears, enter your domain name with the www before it.  Click OK.


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  • 0
    Amy Boyle

    How do you do it for blue host?

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    Kellie Newsome

    Can you use the nimbus site as a subdomain? My main site is a prophoto4 Blog....could i make a link on my main site domain and it links over to the nimbus site on a subdomain?

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    Justin Lund

    Kellie - Using Nimbus as a subdomain is no problem.  In the Nimbus DNS settings, add a new domain and enter the subdomain you want to use.  You'll also want to make sure you configure a CNAME to point to nimbus.shootq.com

  • 0
    Kimberly Deprey

    I've been trying to get my page up and running for awhile and have been unsuccessful. I've followed these instructions for each step and I'm still not able to get the site up and running.  Any advice on who to contact?

  • 0
    Ben Jenkins

    Amy - I've attached screen shots for how to do it for Blue Host.  The screen shots are based on how you do it for Hostmonster but since they're the same company and use pretty much the same software, I assume it will be exactly the same for you.  

    Kimberly - I bet if you contact your host they'll probably be able to walk you through the process.  Every time I've ever had to call my host they've been pretty helpful.  Just let them know that you're trying to add a CNAME record to your domain and I'm sure they'll be able to point you in the right direction.  Good luck!

    Hostmonster Nimbus CNAME Record.jpg
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    Justin Lund

    @Kimberly, can you create a support ticket and include your hosting provider and domain name?

    @Ben, thanks for the Hostmonster instructions!  Mind if I add it to the article?

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    Ben Jenkins

    @Justin - You're welcome.  Feel free to use the instructions.  I can email you the steps in separate steps like you have them above if you want.  

  • 0

    Just a bit of info I found out today - If you have your domain name set up through GoDaddy, but host your website on someone else like BigFolio, you have to do an additional step before the above directions.

    You have to “park” the nameservers first. When that change goes into effect (after a few minutes) you then have the option to go in and change the DNS Settings like in the above instructions.

    Thanks Jessica!


  • 0
    Jesse G.

    Once added Do I make the new domain the default on Nimbus?

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    Ben Jenkins

    Hi Jesse,

    Yes, once you add the CNAME record to your host then go back into Nimbus and change that domain to default.

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    Julie Foskett

    I think I missed a set somewhere... if I go to my domain: Foskettcreative.com it does forward to my Nimbus site. However, it does not show my url instead of the showit url... How do I get Foskettcreative.com to show in the address bar? 

  • 0
    Stan Richard

    Ben, did just as your image shows with hostmonster, I get an "invalid IPv4 address" message.  hmmmm.

  • 0
    Stan Richard

    ah ha CNAME, got it :)

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    Luis Alicea

    It would be great to have these same instructions with Yahoo hosting services.

  • 0
    Joel Treadwell

    For BlueHost forwarding the domain entails setting up a redirect under Domain Manager in the CPanel. Here is a screen shot of the settings for mine. 

  • 0
    Joel Treadwell

    For BlueHost forwarding the domain entails setting up a redirect under Domain Manager in the CPanel. Here is a screen shot of the settings for mine. 


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    Ashley Armitage

    Wow - I use omnis.com for hosting and this is very confusing for this server.  I was told by omnis to go to RECORDS and then select the name.  Then go to CNAME.  I enter the host:  www and then cname:  nimbus.shootq.com.  but then I get an error...

    so I guess I have to go into the "A" tab to delete the www   so confused... so I did that with the option to put it back up if I screwed up...

    I guess if there was more explanation of what a CNAME is and that we are actually doing it might help????

    Screen Shot 2012-06-07 at 10.16.56 AM.png
  • 0
    Ashley Armitage

    Wow - I use omnis.com for hosting and this is very confusing for this server.  I was told by omnis to go to RECORDS and then select the name.  Then go to CNAME.  I enter the host:  www and then cname:  nimbus.shootq.com.  but then I get an error...

    so I guess I have to go into the "A" tab to delete the www   so confused... so I did that with the option to put it back up if I screwed up...

    I guess if there was more explanation of what a CNAME is and that we are actually doing it might help????

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    Sandy Buller

    Does anyone monitor this forum any longer?

    How can you get the nimbus site to change the MX record so that you can continue to use @yourdomainname.com as an e-mail address?


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    Luis Alicea

    Sandy, I use @yourdomian.com as an email without any changes to the setting in nimbus. Its a non-related item.  You need to check with your domain service provider on how to make the changes.

    My current set-up is

    1) GoDaddy.com as the doamin service provider (my @yourdomain.com).  i buy and control most of my domain services thru them and/or yahoo.com. I started with yahoo.com for everything (about 5 domains) but it turns out nimbus is better served via GoDaddy so I transefered my relevant domains to Godaddy recently.

    2) Google Business Apps for email/calendar/tasks/contacts etc. (as opposed to using Godadddy email service) its free vs. paid and its better integrated to my iOS/OSX devises.

    3) Nimbus for Web hosting for 2 or my 3 brands. My third brand is hosted with Squarespace.com


    Hope this helps!! Luis

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    Ben Jenkins

    Hey Sandy,

    Your MX records are configured on your domain host and not Nimbus.  Setting up your domain to work with Nimbus shouldn't impact your email.  If there are issues with your email or MX records you should contact your web host and they should be able to troubleshoot that with you to get things going again.

  • 0
    Michelle Tullis

    change domain through godaddy and am quick adding- but the "points to" address: nimbus.shootq.com ... doesn't work

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