Domain Name and DNS
Domain Name
Every Nimbus site comes with a domain name. If you'd like to use your own domain name, you can configure that in the Nimbus DNS settings. Click the "Add a new domain" and enter your domain name. Make sure to preface with 'www' else you will get an error.
Now for the hard part! In order to use your new domain name with Nimbus, you'll need to adjust the DNS settings with your domain host. Settings vary from provider to provider, but the overview is to create a CNAME record for the domain.
Host Name/Alias: www
Log in to your GoDaddy account and go to the Domain Details of the domain you'd like to update. Launch the DNS Manager.
In the DNS Manager, create a new CNAME by clicking the Quick Add link. Enter the following information:
Host: www
Points to:
Be sure to save your changes!
If you want someone to go to your Nimbus site by typing instead of, you'll need to setup domain forwarding. In the Domain Details, click the Manage link in the Forwarding section under Domain Information.
In the window that appears, enter your domain name with the www before it. Click OK.