Whether you shoot portraits or weddings, pets, or other kinds of jobs, there's lots of reasons you may want to group Relationships together. Among other things, this feature helps you browse relationships more easily, quickly view payments and profitability for different relationships, see important dates for relationships in a Group all in one place, and easily export the contacts in a group to CSV or vCard.
To create a new Group, click the Relationships Tab in the ShootQ menu and choose the relationships that you'd like to put into the Group. Then, click New Group at the bottom of the Relationships list:
Choose the name of the Group you'd like to create. Once you've created and saved the Group, you also can click to add additional members to that Group.
You can designate roles for the various relationships you add to the Group, and view statistics for orders those Relationships in that Group.
When you're viewing an individual Relationship, you can also add it to a Group individually. Choose the Relationship you’d like to designate as part of a Group. On that screen, click the Groups tab. You’ll choose whether you’d like to add that Relationship to an existing Group or you’ll be able to create a new Group.
After you choose which Group the Relationship belongs to, you can click on the Group Tab for that Relationship and designate what Role that relationship is in the group.
If you ever need to remove that relationship from the Group , simply click on the icon next to the Group name and click to remove. You can also remove the role from that contact, too.
You can also add multiple contacts to a group at the same time. Simply select them in your contact list and click "Add to Group".
To view all of the Groups you've created, on your Contact List choose "Filter By Groups"
And if you need to export the contacts in a group to CSV or vCard just click the appropriate option on the far left of the group. You can also Delete the group or Rename it.