Archive Automatic Client Responses

Archive Automatic Client Responses

You may decide that you want to maintain a copy of all email correspondence inside of ShootQ. Since your client's replies are redirected to your main email inbox, we have created a feature that will allow you to track client responses in ShootQ, too. With Client Response Tracking enabled, when a client responds to an email sent from ShootQ, their reply will be sent to brand email address and also to the shoot email address so that it is archived with the shoot under Correspondence. This feature is in Beta because we cannot guarantee that all email programs will automatically reply to both email addresses.

And one more note: When Client Response Tracking is enabled and if your brand name includes a colon, semicolon, or comma (for example, Geoffrey Dunn: Photographer), a client's email program may not know how to correctly parse these symbols and there may be errors when a client responds to an email sent from ShootQ.


Just navigate here to enable it:

Settings > Email > Send Emails to Shoots
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