In the Shoot Details step, Proposals for wedding shoots include a section step called The Couple, where the client can enter in pertinent information about the couple that the studio may not know. The Couple section also opens up the ability to book same-sex ceremonies, because the drop-down menu for the "Role" permits multiple Groom and Bride designations.
Furthermore, ShootQ will recognize when two Grooms or two Brides have been selected, and override the usual contract variables to display the correct information. So, if you select a contract template that uses variables for "Bride Information" and "Groom Information" but the client lists two brides in this section of the Proposal, your contract will display the correct information automatically.
Here is the contract template with Bride and Groom variables.
But here is how it is displayed to the client when two brides are entered into the system. On the back end, the variables are Bride Information and Groom Information. But the client never sees those variables; they only see the actual info.
It's also important to note that the terminology in your contract should reflect the type of same sex marriage. For example, a wedding with two grooms would not usually have wording in the contract that references brides (and vice/versa). So you may end up having three contracts - Bride/Groom, Bride/Bride, and Groom/Groom and then you would pick one depending on the situation.