Creating and Using Preset Payment Schedules

Many of you may have different payment schedules for different types of situations. For example, a Wedding may have five payments as part of the schedule while a Portrait session may just have two. And the rates collected per payment may change from situation to situation.

ShootQ allows you to save multiple payment schedules as presets so that you can quickly and easily choose one when booking a client.

To set up a preset, we need to go through the booking process (either Book Online or Book Manually). While building the proposal click the "Change" link under the Payment Collection setting. This is where we will set up presets.



First, build a payment schedule and then give it a name. Then hit Save Preset. In the example below, I'm creating a preset for a Wedding payment schedule.



The preset then appears in your list of saved payment schedules on the right hand side. To actually, apply a preset schedule to your shoot just choose one in the drop menu below. The schedule then appears on the far left side.



You can create as many payment schedules as you need. They will be available for every shoot you book. And if necessary, you can also select a schedule in this drop down menu and delete it.






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