The Skinny on Mad Mimi and ShootQ's Integration

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Sure, you're building a robust relationship database in ShootQ. But are you reaching out & connecting with your audience personally? Are you starting conversations that bring you business?

Mass Email Marketing Integration!

We're excited to say that ShootQ is more than your Studio Manager. It's also your Marketing Department!

Email communication is the name of the game these days. By using your Relationship Database in ShootQ, you can connect with thousands of people instantly. That means more people talking about you & your business!

Meet Mimi. She Makes Email Marketing Easy!

ShootQ partners with Mad Mimi to give you tools to create email marketing promotions.

Starting TODAY, you can:

  • Quickly filter your Relationship Database using specific criteria.
  • Create an "Audience" for your marketing promotions based on your Relationship contacts..
  • Easily send your "Audience" over to Mad Mimi.
  • Create email marketing promotions using Mad Mimi's refreshingly simple interface.
  • Schedule & Send marketing promotions to your "Audiences."
  • Track stats and monitor click-thrus from your marketing promotions.

Keep your Audiences updated about special events, new services, and other important information.Then, you will come to mind first when they need photography!

Give it a try!

1. Click on the "Business" tab, then on "Marketing."

2. Sign up for Mad Mimi

 Picture 1  


3. Sort your relationships database using specific filtering criteria.

  Picture 2  


4. Export the list to create an audience in Mad Mimi. (or download a CSV file or vCard for snail mail or other email marketing campaigns)

 Picture 3  


5. Create a new promotion in Mad Mimi, and send.

Picture 5

6. Presto! New Business! 


If you have any questions about Mad Mimi you can find out more in their help area :


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