Adding Email Attachments

You can attach a file to an email when sending it manually by clicking the "Send Email" link on the shoot and dragging files into the drop zone (see below).  The total attachment size can be 10 MB at most.  Additionally, there is a single file size limit of 5 MB.

Supported attachment file types:

  • Media files: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, swf, flv, avi, mpg, mp3, mp4, ogv, wav, rm, mov, psd, ai, tif, tiff
  • Documents: txt, rtf, htm, html, pdf, epub, mobi, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, ps, eps, iif
  • Miscellaneous: log, csv, ics, xml


Attaching a file:

To add an attachment to an email, drag the file from your computer into the drop zone.  Once the file is uploaded, you'll see it below the drop zone.  To remove the attachment, click the "remove" link.



In the same way, attachments can also be added to email templates under Settings > Emails > Email Templates.

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