Sometimes you may need to have more than one person sign a contract (i.e. the bride and the groom for a wedding contract). This requirement can be easily added during the booking process.
First, if you require specific individuals to the sign the contract and you would like their names to appear underneath the signing field on the contract, make sure these signees are added to the shoot as a Relationship. On the other hand, if you don't need to have specific individual names appear in the signing area of the contract, you will be able to generate generic signature fields like 'Client', 'Vendor', etc. when building the proposal (keep reading to find out more about generic signature fields).
Then, whether Booking Online or Booking Manually, click the “Add A Contract” link in the proposal settings column on the proposal-creation page. Choose your contract template, and if necessary, save this as your default contract so that the next time you book a client, the contract will already be selected.
Next, designate who needs to sign the contract by marking the check box next to the signee's name or field. The signees can be be the specific individuals you have listed on the event as "Relationships". You can also have a generic signature field(s) if you do not know the name of the person who will be signing contract.
Generic signature fields do not refer to specific names or roles.These fields will appear on the contract exactly as you type them. You can save your checked generic signature fields as a default settings if necessary.
In the example below, four individuals are required to sign the contract. Christopher Adams and Jackie Baker are specific individuals who must sign the contract. There will also be two other generic fields on the contract for Client and Vendor to sign.
NOTE: Not all role types have a variable that can be added into the body of the contract template. For example, mother-of-the-bride, coordinator, model, etc are not variable types. If you need to add a signee to the body of the contract for which there is no variable, you will need to enter them manually into the contract prior to the booking process. Under Settings > Contracts you can either duplicate your existing contract and customize it, or you can modify the original contract. After you have modified/duplicated the contract, you can proceed through the booking process.
Once you Finalize the proposal, the proposal email will pre-populate with the main contact’s email address. You may want to add the other signees' email addresses as well.
On the the client view of the proposal there will be signature fields for all the designated signees. Their ISP addresses and a time/date stamp will be recorded when they sign.
Like any other pending proposal, the Shoot will be located under Shoots > Pending > Open Proposals. When the first signee signs the proposal, the shoot will move into Shoots > Pending > Pending Review where you will be able to see who signed it and when. When you sign it, the shoot will then move into the Booked shoots section. You may want to hold off on signing the contract until all of your clients have signed.
When the shoot is is Booked you will be able to see the status of those who are required to sign the contract under the Billing & Legal section of the shoot. Those who have not yet signed will be displayed in ‘red’. They can sign the contract in the Client Area.
And that’s it! It’s that simple!