Business analytics are a great way to leverage continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. As your business grows, we provide you with the tools to be able to do these comparisons on previous years.
Business Reports Updated
Gini Larson Thank You!
Elizabeth Bull Yay!!! -
Sally Hicks Why can't you make the reports with actual numbers instead of useless graphs. Your reports really need improving considering how much you charge each week, they are useless.
Keana Clay Hi Sally,
If you need to see the numbers, you can just hovering over any of the bars. I hope that helps!
Sally Hicks Thanks Keana I do know that but it would be AWESOME if I didn't have to hover over and then create my own report in excel to show numbers not a silly graph. It is stupid to have to recreate the wheel. Every other event software I have used has real reports with figures not useless graphs.
Mike Evans Why can't we download this information with actual numbers? That is what i think we really want so I can use that data elsewhere. I want to be able to downaload ALL the referrals. How can I do that?
Mike Evans Not only that, the data I can view in incomplete, I want to see EVERY referrer even if it was just one. I really do not understand why ShootQ limits the data I have available to me? For a system I pay almost $1000 per year and I cannot control my list of referrers wihtout jumping through 15 hoops, or download my data completely it seems a bit ridiculous.
Phu Tang Are we going to be able to download our data any time soon?
Chad Hi Phu,
We aren't currently implementing a feature to export the data from the Analytics section but it's a good idea. I'll suggest it to our development team so that we can consider adding it in the future. By the way, feel free to email our dev team directly at if you have any other suggested improvements. Thanks again for your feedback!
Geoffrey Dunn
Team ShootQ -
Betsy Tomasello I would LOVE to be able to download an annual income report! :) So appreciate you guys always being open to improve when ideas are brought up. So happy with ShootQ!
Chad Hi Betsy,
Thank you for the feedback! I'll pass along this suggestion again to our development team. As you know you can't download reports from the Analytics section, but you can download reports from the Business > Billing > Income Overview section ( You can export Payment History, Paid Invoices, and All Invoices By Due Date. Sometimes these can be useful, too. But I will bring up the exportable Analytics feature with the rest of the team.