Please note: As of November, 2011, ShowIt sites no longer supports ShootQ contact form integration. We are attempting to contact ShowIt to provide integration support again in the future.
Showit Sites has an overlay mode, where you can embed an HTML page into your Showit Site. Simply create your link to the ShootQ form as usual, but instead of selecting open in a new page/window, select open in overlay mode. This way, when the lead clicks on the link for the form, it will open up as an overlay over your website without the client leaving your site.
You can also use the Lead Via Email method to integrate your Showit contact form. You can have the contact form information initially sent to your studio email address. If your email provider allows you to create a filter, you can then configure a filter that auto-forwards the ShowIt email from your studio address to the ShootQ Lead Creation email address. This will automatically generate a lead in ShootQ. Learn to set up an auto-forwarding filter in Gmail. NOTE: With this method, the contact form email sent from ShowIt must be a text email (not HTML).