How To Resolve Password and Login Issues

Your username, password, email address and other personal profile information can always be updated under Settings > My Profile.

However, there may be times when you cannot log into your account. This is typically because you are trying to log into the site with the wrong username. In most cases, your username will NOT be your email address (although it could be). Also, note that a username is NOT case sensitive.

If you are confident that you are entering the correct username, then make sure you are typing the correct password. The password IS case sensitive.

As a security precaution, after six consecutive failed login attempts, the system will lock you out for fifteen minutes.

If you forget your password, you can always ask to reset it.

Enter your profile email address and click "Send Me Reset Instructions". Within a few minutes, you should receive an email with a link to reset the password. If you don't get an email from us please be sure to check your spam filter. The email will be coming from

NOTE: The email address IS case sensitive so make sure you are typing it correctly into the email field. If the email address is entered incorrectly (or if it's wrong), you will see a "Sorry, we couldn't find anyone with that email address" notice.

If you are still having trouble logging into your account please contact our support team via chat messenger or submit a support ticket. We'd be happy to help resolve any issues!

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